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Electrical Safety Tips for Families

Electrical safety is vital in the home, especially for those who have children, because small kids tend to be mischievous and curious and they love to explore. Unfortunately, they might not understand the concept of basic safety yet and for this reason, the majority of childhood electrical injuries occur at home.

Ways to Protect Your family From Electrical Dangers

Parents must find and understand the risks of electricity to prevent and remove them. Here are some helpful electrical safety tips to keep everyone – especially the kids – safe at home.


Electrical appliances are the major, but not sole, cause of electrical danger for children, so we have compiled some tips to keep the kids safer in the home.

Bulb Wattage

Ensure that all fixtures, lamps, and appliances are using the correct wattage - choosing the correct bulbs will reduce electrical risk in the home. Generally, you can use 60-watt bulbs or less if it’s not indicated in the fixture, 10-15-watt energy saving bulbs are the best.

Avoid Overloading Outlets

An overloaded electrical outlet is one of the most common causes of electrical issues. All outlets should be checked to make sure they are cool to the touch. These should also have protective faceplates and are in good working order.

In order to keep outlets safe, follow these recommendations:

  • Don’t use multi-outlet converters and extension cords for equipment.

  • Plug only one heat-producing appliance into any outlet.

  • Don’t forget that power boards only increase the number of outlets. The amount of power an outlet receives remains the same.

  • Consider using smart plugs, which are beneficial because they can monitor outlet power loads and turn off appliances if an outlet starts to overheat.

  • Install plastic outlet plug covers so that kids can’t insert objects into the power point pin sockets.

  • Using Residual Current Devices (RCDs), also known as safety switches, help save lives. They check the flow of electricity from the main switchboard and prevent a serious shock by stopping the electrical supply if they detect an imbalance in the current.

A licensed electrician can install RCDs for you. RCDs should ideally be installed in all circuits; however, take note that these can’t replace proper electrical maintenance and safety practices.

Only Use High-Quality Appliances

Don’t settle for ageing or faulty appliances just to save money (this includes those that have damaged or frayed cords or broken or cracked plugs).

Appliances must have insulated pins and a regulatory compliance mark (RCM). They should also be serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

2nd Hand Appliances

Carefully scrutinise electrical equipment purchased online as they may not necessarily comply with Australian safety standards. Have a licensed electrician test and tag any equipment you purchased online. Real Electrical Solutions, based in Newcastle, NSW, have fully licensed ASP level 2 Electricians on-hand to help, 24/7.

If it’s necessary to buy second-hand equipment, make sure that you know how to properly use it: Download instructions from the manufacturer’s website and make sure they include:

  • Safe operating instructions

  • Care and maintenance procedures needed for electrical safety

  • Any specific set of instructions for the appliance that is vital for electrical safety.

Regular Maintenance

Regular electrical maintenance is essential to ensure that things remain in tip-top shape. Unfortunately, risky electrical hazards are everywhere in the home. Nevertheless, you can prevent these hazards from causing harm by doing the following:

  • Keep power boards and power points free from grease, dirt, and moisture. Don’t use a wet cloth or spray with detergents, cleaners, or insecticides.

  • Electric blankets must be inspected to detect damaged plugs, wires, and leads before using them.

  • Metal ladders should have “rubber feet.”

  • Flexible cords must be kept at a safe distance from the blade when using lawnmowers or electric trimmers.

  • Clean range hood filters frequently.

  • Clean the lint filter of the clothes dryer every after use.

Making electrical work a DIY project is never a good idea. Note that there are rules and standards for putting electrical equipment cabling and equipment in any home. Only licensed electricians are legally permitted to handle this job.

Electrical Safety Education

Besides supervision and the creation of a safe environment, you can also teach the children about electrical safety. Here are some talking points you can bring up with your children, when they are old enough to understand:

Don’t Tug Electrical Cords

The kids must learn to hold cords near their plug before pulling them out. Yanking the electrical cord, outlet, or a plugged appliance may lead to damage or injury. It may also be dangerous if the yanking will expose bare electrical wires.

Don’t Put Electrical Devices In Water

Kids are taught in school that water conducts electricity. As a result, many accidents happen because of electrical devices being too close to water, such as charging mobile phones and hair appliances plugged into bathroom outlets. Using battery-powered devices is recommended instead; Kids should also be told not to touch anything electrical with wet hands.

Request Help from An Adult When Using Electronic Devices

Teach younger children to ask for assistance from a grown-up before using an electronic device.

Store Electrical Cords In Their Proper Place When Not In Use

The adults in the house should set an example by storing away electrical cords once they are done using them. Unused electrical cords may become a tripping hazard if left lying around. Pets might also chew on these cables, which could damage the cords and put the pet’s safety in jeopardy. Additionally, the exposed wires become a fire hazard.

Exercise Caution when playing outdoors

Outdoor electrical safety is critical to anyone - the kids love to play outdoors to get sunlight, fresh air, and physical activity, but the outdoors also has hazards that are beyond our control. So, do advise the following:

  • Stay away from power lines when flying kites, toy aeroplanes or balloons, as these can be great conductors of electricity.

  • Don’t go swimming when there’s a storm, especially when they hear thunder or see lightning.

  • Stay away from electrical substations and electrical equipment marked “High Voltage” or “Danger”.

  • Always check if there are power lines before climbing a tree. Electrical wires that are touching trees are quite hazardous.

Protect Your Family from Harm with Regular Electrical Maintenance

Electricity-related injuries can be prevented when children are properly educated and supervised. It’s also never too late to make improvements at home to make it safer for everyone living in it.

Are you looking for an accredited service provider Level 2 electrician in Newcastle to check and make your home safe? Call Real Electrical Solutions today on 0403306842 to book an appointment. You may also send your enquiries to, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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